New Rules for Unused 529 College Savings Funds

As the costs of higher education continue to rise, people are turning to tax-advantaged 529 savings plans to help fund their children’s education expenses. A 529 savings plan is a state-sponsored investment plan that offers tax-deferred growth and tax-free withdrawals when used for qualified education expenses. In addition, some states offer their residents additional tax … Continued

College Bound — Hip, HIPAA, Hooray

Congratulations, your son or daughter—or perhaps grandchild—recently got accepted to college, and soon is off to school in the fall. Together, you are probably discussing coursework and prospective majors and figuring out housing arrangements and meal plans. One important, but frequently overlooked, topic is what to do in case your child becomes incapacitated… now that … Continued

Sand Hill University: Education for the Next Generation

To those of us that are parents, many would agree that our greatest asset is our children. We do our best to raise happy, healthy, and kind kids that will hopefully make the world a better place. We teach them how to deal with adversity. We teach them how to overcome rejection. We strive to … Continued

College Savings

April 29, 2022 In the fall semester of 2020 (the most recent available data through the Education Data Initiative), roughly 15.9 million undergraduate students were enrolled in American universities or colleges. Though there have been slight declines in enrollment over the past couple of years, millions of students will continue to pursue postsecondary education in … Continued

Life Events that Should Trigger an Estate Plan Review

April 22, 2021 In the current political environment, all eyes are focused on what possible new estate tax changes might become law given the new administration’s campaign proposals. While any such changes will be very important and require careful review and planning, it should not be overlooked that there are other fundamental life events that … Continued


  Custodial accounts are the simplest way to give property to minors, easily established at banks and brokerage firms, and do not require the need for an attorney to create a special trust. The gifts are deemed irrevocable, and age limits then apply for when the assets become fully available to the beneficiary child, typically … Continued

Getting Educated on Education Savings

529 plans can now be used to fund up to $10,000 of private school tuition per year. 529 plans are funded with after-tax dollars, but then all income and gains are sheltered within the plan over time, and withdrawals are free of both federal and state tax as long as the proceeds are used for … Continued