The Elimination of the Stretch IRA and Use of a Charitable Remainder Trust

April 28, 2020 December now feels like ancient history given the current state of the world, but back then, Congress passed the SECURE Act (Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement) which introduced  significant changes to many retirement-related plans, including the rules governing the inheritance of qualified plans and individual retirement accounts (IRAs). Specifically, the … Continued

Charitable Vehicle Options for High Income Years

For entrepreneurs and major stakeholders of Silicon Valley companies, a liquidity event puts in motion a series of complex and timely actions that investors must navigate, including potentially large tax bills to manage. For the philanthropically minded, one related tax-saving strategy worth exploring is the funding of a charitable vehicle. There are a handful of … Continued

Charity Begins at Home

Earmarking the family home — or some portion of it — to fund a Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) can satisfy philanthropic intent, reduce personal taxes, and generate long-term income. For those with certain needs and desires — coupled with the right set of circumstances and capabilities — this approach could be a better alternative than … Continued

Will Tax Reform Be Charitable to Philanthropists?

With Republicans controlling both the White House and Congress, there is an increased likelihood of tax reform legislation hitting the debate floor.  Proposals by President Trump and the House Ways and Means Committee appear to support the reduction of marginal tax rates and modification of itemized deductions which will mute the taxable benefits of gifting … Continued

The Charitable Lead Trust: A Vehicle Worth Considering in a Low Interest Rate Environment

Many families hold philanthropy as an important family value and strive to find ways to give efficiently, perhaps accomplishing additional objectives in the process.  Investors, having lived with low interest rates for many years, are starting to see signs that rates may gradually rise.   That begs a question: are there unique financial planning opportunities worth … Continued