A Step Forward in Safeguarding Seniors Against Financial Exploitation

The financial exploitation of seniors and other vulnerable adults has become a widespread issue today. And with more members of the baby boomer population reaching retirement each day, the rampant abuse of this population could continue on for some time. Sadly, it is estimated the majority of financial elder abuse cases are perpetrated by family … Continued

Frozen: Not Just for Yogurt Anymore

When you think of the word ‘frozen’, several images probably come to mind fairly quickly: characters from the Disney movie, frozen yogurt, the east coast during winter… but it’s very unlikely that you thought of frozen credit. That’s right, freezing your credit accounts with Equifax, Experian and TransUnion can be done and keeping them frozen … Continued

Protect Yourself: Reducing Your Fraud Risk

When news of the security breaches at Target and Neiman Marcus broke, many people, myself included, immediately thought, “Did I do any holiday shopping at either of those stores?!” followed by “What do I do now and how do I protect myself in the future?” At Sand Hill, we have always been diligent about safeguarding … Continued