Exploring the Benefits of Net Unrealized Appreciation

It is not unusual here in Silicon Valley for employers to offer their employees the opportunity to acquire company stock as an investment alternative in their 401(k) plans. Employees may acquire equity shares using pre-tax dollars, or even better, at no cost when shares are granted as a matching contribution.  But eventually, whether because of … Continued

The PATH Leads to Permanent Tax Benefits

Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015 Signed into Law Very rarely big changes sweep the landscape of financial planning but when they do taxpayers are sometimes awarded significant benefit from the change. On December 18, 2015, the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act was signed into law. The Act does considerably more … Continued

Required Distributions: What is Your Plan for 2014?

For those who reached the age of 70 ½ and are required by the IRS to take a mandatory distribution from their tax deferred retirement accounts, the first quarter of the year provides a good planning point to determine the most effective way to satisfy your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) in 2014. The most common ways … Continued

Year-End Financial Check Up

Much like the annual visit to the doctor’s office, year end is a good time to review the state of your financial health. Here at Sand Hill Global Advisors, we regularly discuss these topics with clients, as they are important reminders to keep you financially fit. • Year End Tax Planning. Consult your CPA or tax advisor … Continued