Special Needs Families: Now ABLE to Save

When parents are asked what they want for their children in life, the answers you are most likely to hear are “to be happy and to be self-sufficient”. While there is no clear path to these goals for anyone, there are inherently more challenges facing children with special needs. Covering even the basics like healthcare … Continued

More Flexibility For 529 ABLE Accounts

Funds within 529 accounts can be transferred to 529 ABLE accounts for people who become blind or disabled before age 26. 529 ABLE accounts are available to those who become blind or disabled before age 26. Importantly, having assets in a 529 ABLE account does not limit the person’s access to key government benefits such … Continued

Planning for Children with Special Needs

Every parent can probably remember being asked when they were expecting, “Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?”  The quick answer, of course, is that you are hoping for a child that is healthy.  Raising and caring for a child with special needs can be extremely rewarding, but it can also present greater … Continued