The start of a new year often inspires reflections on the past, with renewed effort to apply any lessons we've learned to try to anticipate

Live Long—Live Well—and Prosper
February 2, 2021
Long-term financial success usually requires many technical steps, like creating living trusts and living wills, but it should also involve a dedication to simply living well! Obviously, living well can mean different things to different people. Ultimately, though, it is about actually enjoying the one life that each of us has to live. In light of recent developments arising from Mother Nature’s reminder of who is really in charge, it seems as important as ever to consider the necessary ingredients to make this happen—and sooner rather than later. Of course, like most subjective and personal things, what really matters to any one individual depends on that person’s perspectives, and capabilities, and how that can be incorporated into an overall personal (financial) plan.
Good health is usually considered a high priority in any personal plan and staying physically fit and eating well are important aspects of this objective. Good health has many positive collateral benefits, including reduced chance of illness, increased personal performance, an enhanced sense of well-being; and it typically provides financial rewards as well. While much effort is understandably placed on “making money” throughout life, especially to cover expenses that will continue into retirement, good health can potentially reduce the drain on financial resources and also enable better enjoyment of those precious “golden” years. Therefore, as much and as soon as possible, it is important to develop good behavior regarding physical fitness, diet, and other personal health care issues.
Happiness is another typical common goal in life that offers obvious direct benefits and even various positive financial results, so much so that the pursuit of it was considered important enough to be highlighted in the founding documents of this nation—arguably in lieu of the more specific right of property. Of course, like most things of value, the actual achievement of happiness is not necessarily guaranteed, and it is certainly tested when other essentials in life are not adequately satisfied. And yet, even with the acquisition and possession of vast resources and material objects, some people can still be unhappy. Moreover, like life and liberty, the pursuit of happiness should not be taken for granted just because it is deemed a “right”. Although difficult to explain, it might be because happiness is not an end in and of itself, but a mindset—and distinctly personal as well. Fortunately, though, it is almost always attainable if truly desired, but it takes reflection, commitment, and persistence.
Obviously, life is filled with challenges and frustrations, and even hardship. Things will occasionally, and even routinely, go wrong. But personal happiness, or satisfaction, is not meant to be about the complete absence of grief. It is instead the attitude necessary to manage it—and everything else in life. It is what some people might call peace of mind, and it usually goes hand-in-hand with living well, which is not solely about self-indulgence or self-improvement. Indeed, acts of charity towards others typically increase personal happiness and related feelings of well-being. This can include assistance to family members or philanthropy to favored causes, and commitments to the improvement of others, in any multitude of ways, can eventually lead to lasting satisfaction. And lasting personal satisfaction, a positive attitude, and good health can all help to reduce stress and ward off trouble, and bring about all kinds of personal achievement, including, but not limited to, financial success. So, let us all endeavor to live long, live well, and prosper!
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All video presentations discuss certain investment products and/or securities and are being provided for informational purposes only, and should not be considered, and is not, investment, financial planning, tax or legal advice; nor is it a recommendation to buy or sell any securities. Investing in securities involves varying degrees of risk, and there can be no assurance that any specific investment will be profitable or suitable for a particular client’s financial situation or risk tolerance. Past performance is not a guarantee of future returns. Individual performance results will vary. The opinions expressed in the video reflect Sand Hill Global Advisor’s (“SHGA”) or Brenda Vingiello’s (as applicable) views as of the date of the video. Such views are subject to change at any point without notice. Any comments, opinions, or recommendations made by any host or other guest not affiliated with SHGA in this video do not necessarily reflect the views of SHGA, and non-SHGA persons appearing in this video do not fall under the supervisory purview of SHGA. You should not treat any opinion expressed by SHGA or Ms. Vingiello as a specific inducement to make a particular investment or follow a particular strategy, but only as an expression of general opinion. Nothing presented herein is or is intended to constitute investment advice, and no investment decision should be made based solely on any information provided on this video. There is a risk of loss from an investment in securities, including the risk of loss of principal. Neither SHGA nor Ms. Vingiello guarantees any specific outcome or profit. Any forward-looking statements or forecasts contained in the video are based on assumptions and actual results may vary from any such statements or forecasts. SHGA or one of its employees may have a position in the securities discussed and may purchase or sell such securities from time to time. Some of the information in this video has been obtained from third party sources. While SHGA believes such third-party information is reliable, SHGA does not guarantee its accuracy, timeliness or completeness. SHGA encourages you to consult with a professional financial advisor prior to making any investment decision.
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