Diversifying Concentrated Holdings

Many dedicated employees, especially in Silicon Valley, eventually gain significant exposure to their own company’s stock by regularly participating in employee stock purchase plans (ESPP) or by being awarded various forms of stock options over the years. While focusing on building a career, they often inadvertently amass a sizable portion of their overall personal wealth … Continued

Make Hay While the Sun Shines

“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes,” claimed Benjamin Franklin. But at least with the latter matter, there can be different degrees of severity. Indeed, in some respects, we are generally living in a relatively benign tax environment these days but given the increasingly populist and progressive sentiments … Continued

Domestic Asset Protection Trusts – A Shield Against Litigation

Silicon Valley is home to countless individuals who have created significant wealth through grit and ingenuity; but it is also located in California, a notoriously litigious state. Diversifying one’s concentrated wealth in a single company stock into a well-allocated portfolio can help alleviate market risk, but how does one shield hard-earned money against the various … Continued

Your Personal Security in a Changed World

Wealth has its privileges, but it also carries risks, including personal security challenges. Many high net worth individuals and their families maintain high visibility careers, lifestyles, or internet profiles. And they often want, or need, to travel, and typically in style; but this also means that this can make them a target because of their … Continued

In Blockchain We Will Trust

Much has been written about the founding of Bitcoin in the wake of the Financial Crisis, the blockchain technology that stamps every transaction with a code akin to a serial number on a dollar bill, the “miners” who earn fractional shares of Bitcoin in exchange for verifying each transaction, and how much a select few … Continued

Concentrated Stock: Where Company (Stock) Loyalty Can Be a Risk

Awards of company stock in any form are a meaningful and commonplace way for employers to compensate their valued employees beyond their regular salaries. But all too often — as a result of this generally welcome benefit — we see investors accepting too much personal financial risk by carrying oversized concentrations of the common stock … Continued

Charity Begins at Home

Earmarking the family home — or some portion of it — to fund a Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) can satisfy philanthropic intent, reduce personal taxes, and generate long-term income. For those with certain needs and desires — coupled with the right set of circumstances and capabilities — this approach could be a better alternative than … Continued