Using Allowance to Raise Financially Fit Children

While parents without substantial resources tend to discuss family financial matters with children out of necessity, those with means often avoid the topic. However, even for parents who are in a position to cover all of their family’s financial needs and desires, the provision of an allowance can still be an effective way to have … Continued

Sharing is Caring

Every family is different.  Some are very open, sharing details about nearly everything in a loud boisterous manner; others are more reserved and less comfortable revealing personal information.  No matter what your family dynamic, there comes a time when it is important to share some details with your adult children or the family members who … Continued

The Art of Gifting UP

In today’s world of innovation, where one idea could turn a young entrepreneur into an overnight million(billion)aire, it is becoming increasingly common for a financially successful individual to accumulate far more wealth than their living parents ever could. It is in this group of high net worth investors where a unique wealth transfer strategy may … Continued

Will Tax Reform Be Charitable to Philanthropists?

With Republicans controlling both the White House and Congress, there is an increased likelihood of tax reform legislation hitting the debate floor.  Proposals by President Trump and the House Ways and Means Committee appear to support the reduction of marginal tax rates and modification of itemized deductions which will mute the taxable benefits of gifting … Continued

Leaving a Start-Up Company: What to Do With Your Stock Options?

The decision to leave a start-up carries with it a host of considerations that differ significantly from the choice to depart from an established public company.  Specifically, if you are considering leaving your start-up company, there are important issues surrounding your stock option plan that should be addressed.  It is easy to focus solely on … Continued

The Charitable Lead Trust: A Vehicle Worth Considering in a Low Interest Rate Environment

Many families hold philanthropy as an important family value and strive to find ways to give efficiently, perhaps accomplishing additional objectives in the process.  Investors, having lived with low interest rates for many years, are starting to see signs that rates may gradually rise.   That begs a question: are there unique financial planning opportunities worth … Continued