Hassle-Free Philanthropy

One nice feature of the increasingly popular charitable vehicle called the donor-advised fund (DAF) is the ease with which it can be established and managed. An equally important attraction is the ability to accelerate charitable deductions into the year in which any gifts are made to the DAF, even though donors can defer any actual … Continued

Restricted Stock Units: The New Currency of the Valley

The Valley has experienced a dramatic shift over the years from using the competitive value proposition of stock options to attract and retain top talent, to offering restricted stock units as an attractive enticement. This trend started to develop as the incentive models of stock options showed diminishing effectiveness; employees began to realize that a … Continued

Private Jet Travel: No Longer Just for High Flyers

“Travel: It’s the only thing you can spend money on that will make you richer.” Anonymous Whether you’re planning that really special splurge-worthy trip or considering private jet travel as a new mode of regular business travel, a surprisingly wide range of options is now available to the modern air traveler.  Due to the proliferation … Continued

Finding Value in Your Instincts

With the employment market finally beginning to tighten, compensation and perks are increasingly in play. Cutting the right deal for yourself has a lot to do with your individual tolerance for risk, your overall financial condition and of course your relative position inside a company. But it also has to do with your instincts and … Continued

Mark Your Calendar

The beginning of any new year is a time for resolutions, like eating well, exercising, and flossing regularly. It is also a good time to think strategically about your financial life and, if necessary, resolve to implement a seasonal planning process that could make you “financially fit” by year end. A good place to start … Continued