Using Allowance to Raise Financially Fit Children

While parents without substantial resources tend to discuss family financial matters with children out of necessity, those with means often avoid the topic. However, even for parents who are in a position to cover all of their family’s financial needs and desires, the provision of an allowance can still be an effective way to have … Continued

The Cost of College: Don’t Pay the Sticker Price

Just last month at college campuses across the country, thousands of young men and women threw graduation caps into the air to celebrate achieving a major milestone. They were done! Similarly, sitting in the audience were their proud parents, silently rejoicing because they, too, were done – done paying for college! While these grateful parents … Continued

Sharing is Caring

Every family is different.  Some are very open, sharing details about nearly everything in a loud boisterous manner; others are more reserved and less comfortable revealing personal information.  No matter what your family dynamic, there comes a time when it is important to share some details with your adult children or the family members who … Continued

Beware of Robots: Why You Want a Human Advisor

The term “robo-advisor” has been getting so much press lately you’d think we were facing the rise of the machines. Images of an “advisor” who looks and sounds like C3PO from Star Wars asking, “When do you plan to retire? I repeat, when do you plan to retire?” run through my mind. Actually, robo or … Continued

Margin Loans: When Do They Make Sense?

Over the last few years, we have seen an uptick in clients borrowing against their investment accounts for short-term liquidity needs such as a larger tax payment or a bridge loan to secure a real estate purchase.  The option of a margin loan has been more attractive due to historic low interest rates and a … Continued

Gift Ideas

For those who want to pursue inter-generational transfers of wealth to assist their family while they are still living, two rather simple techniques stand out for their general ease and effectiveness; annual exclusion gifts and 529 plan contributions. Both offer significant help to children and grandchildren, and provide meaningful estate planning opportunities. Direct gifting may … Continued

Mark Your Calendar

The beginning of any new year is a time for resolutions, like eating well, exercising, and flossing regularly. It is also a good time to think strategically about your financial life and, if necessary, resolve to implement a seasonal planning process that could make you “financially fit” by year end. A good place to start … Continued

Year-End Financial Check Up

Much like the annual visit to the doctor’s office, year end is a good time to review the state of your financial health. Here at Sand Hill Global Advisors, we regularly discuss these topics with clients, as they are important reminders to keep you financially fit. • Year End Tax Planning. Consult your CPA or tax advisor … Continued

Saving for Education: Are You Optimizing Your Child’s Custodial Account?

As the buzz of activity surrounding schools and universities increases, we’re reminded of the planning required to effectively save for our children’s higher education.  The options currently available to families interested in setting aside investments for higher education are primarily limited to custodial accounts and 529 plans.  Over the last decade, 529 plans have evolved … Continued