Charitable Vehicle Options for High Income Years

For entrepreneurs and major stakeholders of Silicon Valley companies, a liquidity event puts in motion a series of complex and timely actions that investors must navigate, including potentially large tax bills to manage. For the philanthropically minded, one related tax-saving strategy worth exploring is the funding of a charitable vehicle. There are a handful of … Continued

Buckle Up, Silicon Valley

In the 1980’s blockbuster Back to the Future, flying cars are an ubiquitous reality in the then far-away future of 2015.  While that concept seems just as futuristic today as it did a generation ago, the autonomous self-driving car has quickly moved from prototype to reality here in Silicon Valley. With the average car moving … Continued

Foundational Planning for the Busy Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs are some of the busiest people on the planet.  Their responsibilities seem endless and their time is short.  When the “going gets tough and the tough get going,” having solid foundational financial plans for your business and family will help greatly.  In supporting entrepreneurial clients and their families, it is essential that the family … Continued

The Art of Gifting UP

In today’s world of innovation, where one idea could turn a young entrepreneur into an overnight million(billion)aire, it is becoming increasingly common for a financially successful individual to accumulate far more wealth than their living parents ever could. It is in this group of high net worth investors where a unique wealth transfer strategy may … Continued

Private Jet Travel: No Longer Just for High Flyers

“Travel: It’s the only thing you can spend money on that will make you richer.” Anonymous Whether you’re planning that really special splurge-worthy trip or considering private jet travel as a new mode of regular business travel, a surprisingly wide range of options is now available to the modern air traveler.  Due to the proliferation … Continued