Mark Your Calendar

The beginning of any new year is a time for resolutions, like eating well, exercising, and flossing regularly. It is also a good time to think strategically about your financial life and, if necessary, resolve to implement a seasonal planning process that could make you “financially fit” by year end. A good place to start … Continued

Estate Planning Basics: Things to Consider

Estate planning is much more involved and offers more benefits than simply a plan to reduce your tax bill.  In addition to issues that affect your family and control of your assets after your death, estate planning must also account for prevailing legislation that governs estates.  For example, the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 … Continued

Year-End Financial Check Up

Much like the annual visit to the doctor’s office, year end is a good time to review the state of your financial health. Here at Sand Hill Global Advisors, we regularly discuss these topics with clients, as they are important reminders to keep you financially fit. • Year End Tax Planning. Consult your CPA or tax advisor … Continued

Carry On

It may already seem like a distant memory, but the last few months of 2012 were quite tumultuous as a result of the uncertainty surrounding the so-called fiscal cliff. Despite some significant unfinished business that got deferred to 2013—specifically the sequester and how to handle it—there were still many deliberate actions taken at the end … Continued