Planning for an American Expat Life

Fueled by the advance of technology, flexibility of remote work, continued expansion of global business, and desirable cost of living tradeoffs for retirees, the ranks of American expats continue to swell. Per the U.S. State Department, in 2020, roughly nine million Americans lived abroad, while a 2022 Gallup poll revealed 15% of Americans would like … Continued

The Basics of Long-Term Care Insurance

July 18, 2023 For many of my clients approaching their retirement years and beyond, this question is a common one: How will I pay for my long-term care if and when I need it? According to the Department of Health and Human Services, 70% of people turning 65 can expect to use some form of long-term … Continued

Do I Really Need a Trust to Avoid Probate?

July 14, 2022 If you have a 401(k), an IRA or a life insurance policy, you’re likely familiar with a beneficiary designation form and how it works. An individual or entity of your choosing can be named to receive your assets when you pass away. You even have the flexibility to allocate the percentage each … Continued

Top Things to Know Before Retiring Abroad

July 13, 2022 When you consider your future retirement, you may have specific ideas and preferences in mind. Perhaps one such preference is retiring in another country. While doing so can be full of fascinating possibilities and great happiness, there are specific things to be keenly aware of when structuring your successful retirement plans. • … Continued

The Basic Principles of Estate Planning

June 9, 2022 Senior Wealth Manager and Shareholder of Sand Hill Global Advisors joins Jennifer H. Friedman, Partner at Jorgenson, Siegel, McClure, & Flegel, LLP discuss the importance and principles of estate planning to help you better understand how to prepare for your future. Below is a transcript of the video interview. Elizabeth Cody:Welcome everybody … Continued

Getting Your Affairs in Order: End of Life Planning

February 2, 2022 When we are young, it is challenging to appreciate an aging process that results in loss of mental capacity and/or death of our loved ones. This happens to some of us more quickly than others. The emotional difficulty of dealing with an ailing or deceased spouse is obvious, yet through client interaction, … Continued

Gifting Strategies During Life to Help Reduce Estate Taxes

November 2, 2021 Amassing wealth comes with many benefits, but having a substantial estate comes with the repercussions of elevated taxes. Gifting portions of your assets to mitigate tax ramifications is possibly a reasonable strategy to help ensure you optimize your estate’s potential. By employing tax and financial planning strategies, you can maximize gifts to … Continued