Dual Residency

November 2, 2021 Dual residency is for many an excellent way to get the most enjoyment out of your assets. Having two homes in different parts of the country allows for maximum freedom in your lifestyle, and perks abound, depending on your interests. Select the location of your second home to take full advantage of … Continued

Creating a Suitable Legacy for Your Art Collection

July 30, 2021 There are so many factors to consider when collecting art, not the least of which is what to do with it at the end of your life. Because it could grow to be a significant part of your taxable estate, careful planning is necessary during your lifetime to ensure that these valuable … Continued

The Power of Planning in Times of Loss

April 22, 2021 It is often said that we never really “get over” the loss of a loved one, but we learn to live with it. We may prepare ourselves for that loss, but most of us are never truly ready for those final moments. Being practical during times of extreme emotion, especially during or … Continued

New Year, New Plan?

February 2, 2021 Since 2012, the lifetime exemption amount that every individual can transfer free of estate tax during their life or at death has increased, not only through congressional action but from inflation adjustments coming every January like a New Year’s gift. For the 2021 tax year, the number now stands at $11.7 million … Continued

A Quick Guide to Fine Wine Collecting

February 2, 2021 There are many reasons people decide to build a great wine collection. You want that perfect bottle on hand to complement celebratory meals. You strive to develop a deeper appreciation of wine. Or, you may want to create something of value, anticipating that it will appreciate over time and can be sold … Continued

Live Long—Live Well—and Prosper

February 2, 2021 Long-term financial success usually requires many technical steps, like creating living trusts and living wills, but it should also involve a dedication to simply living well! Obviously, living well can mean different things to different people. Ultimately, though, it is about actually enjoying the one life that each of us has to … Continued

California’s Proposition 19 Institutes New Property Tax and Transfer Rules

January 8, 2021 In the November 2020 election, California voters narrowly passed Proposition 19, a measure that impacts two major areas related to property tax and property transfer. First, it gives homeowners more flexibility to change residences anywhere within California while retaining their property tax base as long as the new home is purchased within … Continued

Estate Planning Implications to Act on Now

October 29, 2020 Time may be running out for high-net-worth families looking to implement advantageous estate planning strategies under current U.S. tax law as of the date of this article. We continue to see historically low interest rates1 and enjoy what many consider high gift and generation skipping transfer tax exemptions; however, interest rates, in … Continued

Drafting Your Happily Ever After

October 14, 2020 When most couples get engaged, they begin dreaming of their future life together and planning their wedding. They are not typically thinking about writing up a premarital or prenuptial agreement, also known more informally as a prenup. For many, there is the attitude that a prenup will create a negative self-fulfilling prophecy … Continued

Capturing Pandemic Moments Before They’re Gone: A Time Capsule

October 1, 2020 Like it or not, the COVID-19 pandemic has pushed us into new sets of routines and has completely upended many parts of our lives. For many, this catastrophe has been compounded by school closures, historic wildfires or taking on additional caregiving responsibilities. While this process may cause you much angst, it could … Continued