Sharing is Caring

Every family is different.  Some are very open, sharing details about nearly everything in a loud boisterous manner; others are more reserved and less comfortable revealing personal information.  No matter what your family dynamic, there comes a time when it is important to share some details with your adult children or the family members who … Continued

The Art of Gifting UP

In today’s world of innovation, where one idea could turn a young entrepreneur into an overnight million(billion)aire, it is becoming increasingly common for a financially successful individual to accumulate far more wealth than their living parents ever could. It is in this group of high net worth investors where a unique wealth transfer strategy may … Continued

Intellectual Property: Estate Planning Considerations

Intellectual property (IP) is a critical driver of innovation and economic competitiveness.  In the last several years, new groundbreaking products and services have been made available to the world markets from right here in Silicon Valley and surrounds: drones, back-lit LED plasma TVs, hybrid and self-driving cars (!), streaming video, smart phones, life-saving pharmaceuticals, medical … Continued

Shrinking Home Values to Enlarge Wealth Transfers

In the alphabet soup of estate planning jargon, the acronym QPRT is one of the more familiar — if not fully understood — terms and it represents a popular and rather common technique for potentially passing significant wealth amongst generations using family homes with little or no gift or estate tax consequence.  The letters stand … Continued

Copyright and Royalties: Estate Planning Considerations

We have lost several well-known artists this past year: David Bowie; Alan Rickman; Glenn Fry; Harper Lee; Garry Shandling; Prince; Gene Wilder; George Michael; and most recently Carrie Fisher and her mother Debbie Reynolds.  These names are a few among a long list of sports and political figures, writers, musicians, actors and otherwise well-known celebrities … Continued

The Estate Tax: Still Going Strong at Age 100

Even at the ripe old age of 100, the Federal Estate Tax – also affectionately known as the ‘death tax’ – is still steeped in controversy.  When it was first instituted in 1916 during the height of World War I, it was seen by supporters as a reasonable way to enhance U.S. revenues in case America joined … Continued

Is Your Property Sitting on a Shelf of Unclaimed Property?

The State of California holds more than $8 billion in unclaimed funds on its books. States all over the country are running massive surpluses of orphaned accounts. These funds are the result of bank and investment accounts being left behind or dividend and interest, even tax refund checks or insurance proceeds, never cashed. As the … Continued