Foundational Planning for the Busy Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs are some of the busiest people on the planet.  Their responsibilities seem endless and their time is short.  When the “going gets tough and the tough get going,” having solid foundational financial plans for your business and family will help greatly.  In supporting entrepreneurial clients and their families, it is essential that the family … Continued

Shaken, Not Stirred…to Action

It used to be that earthquake insurance in California had to be offered by the same company that underwrote one’s regular homeowners policy.  Then in 1994, the devastating Northridge earthquake literally shook up the entire industry, and subsequently many insurance companies simply refused to write either type of policy.  Out of necessity, a new entity … Continued

Phishing and Taxes and Fraud…. Oh My!

Good news: It’s only March and your tax return has been filed!  Bad news: It wasn’t by you.  It’s a problem that is all too common these days and one that unfortunately could affect you this tax season.  You try to file your tax return only to have it rejected as it has already been … Continued

Benefitting from Your Life Insurance While You’re Alive

There’s a time for buying life insurance and for many people it is when their first child is born.  Along the way, you may have increased your insurance coverage as more children and a larger mortgage became a part of life. If those babies are now adults, your mortgage is paid off and your investment … Continued

Smurfs and Your Bank Account

There are no limitations on how much money you can take out of your own bank account—it is your money after all—but there are governmental reporting requirements that need to be made by banks for transactions of certain type and size. The Bank Secrecy Act of 1970 was passed to help detect and prevent money … Continued

Frozen: Not Just for Yogurt Anymore

When you think of the word ‘frozen’, several images probably come to mind fairly quickly: characters from the Disney movie, frozen yogurt, the east coast during winter… but it’s very unlikely that you thought of frozen credit. That’s right, freezing your credit accounts with Equifax, Experian and TransUnion can be done and keeping them frozen … Continued

Is Your Property Sitting on a Shelf of Unclaimed Property?

The State of California holds more than $8 billion in unclaimed funds on its books. States all over the country are running massive surpluses of orphaned accounts. These funds are the result of bank and investment accounts being left behind or dividend and interest, even tax refund checks or insurance proceeds, never cashed. As the … Continued

Protecting Your Assets with Insurance

There are many “it’s never too late” quotes about life. It’s never too late to be happy, to say you’re sorry or to fall in love. Unfortunately, purchasing insurance is one instance where you can be too late, which is why it’s important to review your coverage on a regular basis. Certain major life events … Continued

House Call

For many people, if they know about reverse mortgages at all it is probably limited to seeing them advertised on late night TV. They are not widely used or understood, and might even seem gimmicky; but given the right circumstances, they could be worth considering. Reverse mortgages are primarily designed for older homeowners who have … Continued