Long-Term Care Insurance: The Basics

For many of our clients approaching their retirement years and beyond, this question is starting to come up more and more: How will I pay for my long-term care if and when I need it?  According to the Department of Health and Human Services, 70% of people turning sixty-five can expect to use some form … Continued

Non-Profit Boards: Exploring Best Practices

For over 20 years, Sand Hill Global Advisors has been privileged to serve as an investment advisor to non-profit organizations and to assist in furthering the many admirable missions of these institutions.  Our deep experience in this space has informed us of many best practices for boards, and specifically investment committees.  This level of understanding … Continued

Tax Consequences: Think Twice Before Gifting with Cash

It has become a common practice to take advantage of the charitable deduction when gifting highly appreciated stock to qualified non-profits and charities. What is unknown to many (and now a permanent option thanks to the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012), is that gifting appreciated stock to individuals who qualify for the 0% Federal … Continued

Finding Value in Your Instincts

With the employment market finally beginning to tighten, compensation and perks are increasingly in play. Cutting the right deal for yourself has a lot to do with your individual tolerance for risk, your overall financial condition and of course your relative position inside a company. But it also has to do with your instincts and … Continued

Protect Yourself: Reducing Your Fraud Risk

When news of the security breaches at Target and Neiman Marcus broke, many people, myself included, immediately thought, “Did I do any holiday shopping at either of those stores?!” followed by “What do I do now and how do I protect myself in the future?” At Sand Hill, we have always been diligent about safeguarding … Continued

Drop the Baggage and Streamline Your Life

It is becoming a common occurrence to see new clients of Sand Hill arriving with excess baggage in tow. By baggage, I am referring to: 1) Assets held at multiple brokerage firms, 2) in multiple accounts, 3) registered with incorrectly titled names, 4) stock held in certificate form or held directly with transfer agents, and … Continued

Mark Your Calendar

The beginning of any new year is a time for resolutions, like eating well, exercising, and flossing regularly. It is also a good time to think strategically about your financial life and, if necessary, resolve to implement a seasonal planning process that could make you “financially fit” by year end. A good place to start … Continued

Year-End Financial Check Up

Much like the annual visit to the doctor’s office, year end is a good time to review the state of your financial health. Here at Sand Hill Global Advisors, we regularly discuss these topics with clients, as they are important reminders to keep you financially fit. • Year End Tax Planning. Consult your CPA or tax advisor … Continued

Mixed Company

When Sand Hill launched in 1982, we had one primary objective in mind.  At the time, the brokerage industry was evolving from the client-centric model we had known to a sales orientation.  Brokerage companies, then as now, are the distribution arm of our industry.  We aimed to retain responsibility for assuring our clients could count … Continued

No Shortcuts to the Top

Our featured speaker for January’s Forum was world-renowned mountain climber Ed Viesturs, author of a number of popular books, including No Shortcuts to the Top.  In his talk of the same title, he spoke about what it took to climb the world’s 14 highest peaks, all over 20,000 feet (8,000 meters). His accomplishment—after an 18 year … Continued