Gift Ideas

For those who want to pursue inter-generational transfers of wealth to assist their family while they are still living, two rather simple techniques stand out for their general ease and effectiveness; annual exclusion gifts and 529 plan contributions. Both offer significant help to children and grandchildren, and provide meaningful estate planning opportunities. Direct gifting may … Continued

Liking “Like Kind” Exchanges

Like other sections of the tax code, the 1031 Exchange is increasingly familiar, if not always well-understood, and it can be useful in the right situation. Section 1031 describes the circumstances where exchanges of “like-kind” properties are permitted that can defer recognition of both capital gain and taxes. Strict limitations and guidelines apply, and thus … Continued

There May Be More to Kids’ Movies Than You Think!

In my house we are running either the theme song from The Lego® Movie or the hit ballad from Disney’s Frozen on a continuous dizzying loop. Either my daughters are parading around the kitchen with their princess capes on – “letting it go” – or my son is pumping his fists in the air shouting … Continued

Tax Consequences: Think Twice Before Gifting with Cash

It has become a common practice to take advantage of the charitable deduction when gifting highly appreciated stock to qualified non-profits and charities. What is unknown to many (and now a permanent option thanks to the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012), is that gifting appreciated stock to individuals who qualify for the 0% Federal … Continued

Finding Value in Your Instincts

With the employment market finally beginning to tighten, compensation and perks are increasingly in play. Cutting the right deal for yourself has a lot to do with your individual tolerance for risk, your overall financial condition and of course your relative position inside a company. But it also has to do with your instincts and … Continued

Fiscal Cliff Notes

“This is not a prediction, it is a certainty–there will be serious disruption in the world’s financial services industry…. It’s going to be ugly.” – The Times, London, 1999 (discussing the “Y2K” threat) Years ago in the midst of another date-specific moment in time, the world became obsessed that planes would drop from the sky … Continued

To Give or Not to Give is Only Part of the Question

We are humbled by the philanthropic nature of our clients and community. In 2012, (the most recent year statistics are available), charitable contributions from American individuals, corporations and foundations increased for a third straight year, reaching $316.23 billion in total giving.  Of the top 50 philanthropists of 2012, 20 of them live in California with … Continued

Required Distributions: What is Your Plan for 2014?

For those who reached the age of 70 ½ and are required by the IRS to take a mandatory distribution from their tax deferred retirement accounts, the first quarter of the year provides a good planning point to determine the most effective way to satisfy your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) in 2014. The most common ways … Continued

Mark Your Calendar

The beginning of any new year is a time for resolutions, like eating well, exercising, and flossing regularly. It is also a good time to think strategically about your financial life and, if necessary, resolve to implement a seasonal planning process that could make you “financially fit” by year end. A good place to start … Continued

Year-End Financial Check Up

Much like the annual visit to the doctor’s office, year end is a good time to review the state of your financial health. Here at Sand Hill Global Advisors, we regularly discuss these topics with clients, as they are important reminders to keep you financially fit. • Year End Tax Planning. Consult your CPA or tax advisor … Continued