New Year, New Plan?

February 2, 2021 Since 2012, the lifetime exemption amount that every individual can transfer free of estate tax during their life or at death has increased, not only through congressional action but from inflation adjustments coming every January like a New Year’s gift. For the 2021 tax year, the number now stands at $11.7 million … Continued

What a New Administration Could Mean for Municipal Bonds in 2021

February 2, 2021 Municipal bonds ended a volatile 2020 with broad market indices up more than 5% for the year. With a new incoming administration, we now set our sights on what potential changes lie ahead for the muni market. At roughly $4 trillion in size, the national muni market is a vital part of … Continued

California’s Proposition 19 Institutes New Property Tax and Transfer Rules

January 8, 2021 In the November 2020 election, California voters narrowly passed Proposition 19, a measure that impacts two major areas related to property tax and property transfer. First, it gives homeowners more flexibility to change residences anywhere within California while retaining their property tax base as long as the new home is purchased within … Continued

Estate Planning Implications to Act on Now

October 29, 2020 Time may be running out for high-net-worth families looking to implement advantageous estate planning strategies under current U.S. tax law as of the date of this article. We continue to see historically low interest rates1 and enjoy what many consider high gift and generation skipping transfer tax exemptions; however, interest rates, in … Continued

Don’t Miss the Boat on Gifting and Estate Tax Exemptions

July 20, 2020 In December 2017, Congress passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), creating a significant but temporary opportunity for high-net-worth individuals to transfer a portion of their wealth to heirs free of gift and estate tax. The act included a provision to increase the federal gift and estate tax exclusion from $5.45M … Continued

Understanding the Side Effects of Working from Any Home

July 14, 2020 For those fortunate to have jobs that allow working remotely, the transition to working from home (WFH) during the COVID-19 shelter-in-place has been relatively seamless. Granted, those with children at home, especially small children, have graduated to an Olympic level of multitasking. But given the risk to public health, WFH life has … Continued

GRATs are Great!

April 28, 2020 A GRAT may sound like a character from a Dr. Seuss book, but in reality, it is a great estate planning tool for clients with large estates who are concerned about paying gift and estate taxes. A Grantor Retained Annuity Trust, known as a GRAT, is an irrevocable trust established by an … Continued

What You Can Do Now

April 28, 2020 As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads across the globe, the poorest and most vulnerable members of society are being hardest hit and most likely will be the slowest to recover. They are in need of generosity now. And, while you may already be charitably inclined, the CARES Act provides enhanced tax savings advantages … Continued