Exercising Options Now That You’re Out from Under AMT

We regularly work with entrepreneurs and tech employees who benefit from Incentive Stock Options (ISOs) and also often are impacted by Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT); but the relatively new tax law from 2017 offers some important related changes to know about that could positively affect you if you choose to exercise your ISOs this year. … Continued

Tax-Loss Harvesting – A Silver Lining of Market Downturns, but Not a Silver Bullet

Tax-loss harvesting has been a major topic of conversation the past few years as strong equity returns have left portfolios with sizable unrealized gains. Opportunities to offset capital gains have presented themselves, as witnessed by last year’s severe market decline in December and the resulting frenzied activity to capture losses. While offsetting capital gains with … Continued

Make Hay While the Sun Shines

“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes,” claimed Benjamin Franklin. But at least with the latter matter, there can be different degrees of severity. Indeed, in some respects, we are generally living in a relatively benign tax environment these days but given the increasingly populist and progressive sentiments … Continued

Renting Out the Family Vacation Home

If you own a family vacation home in the mountains of Tahoe or anywhere else in the country or world, congratulations! The incredible memories made during family getaways can truly last a lifetime for so many generations. Since they are only used occasionally, many family homes sit unoccupied for the majority of the year, providing … Continued

Opportunity Zones: What Are They and When Should I Care?

What are they? Opportunity Zones were created by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA). According to the IRS, an Opportunity Zone is “an economically-distressed community where new investments, under certain conditions, may be eligible for preferential tax treatment.” States and territories were quick to take advantage of this chance to encourage local … Continued

2019: New Year, New (Financial) You

There is no better time than the first few months of the year to utilize the momentum of the season to ensure your financial health is given proper attention. To kick off the process, you must first take a moment to reflect on 2018 to determine what is working and what needs attention. From there, … Continued

Tax Strategies to Consider for Highly Paid CEOs and Key Employees

When it comes to compensation for highly paid employees, various tax-deferral strategies can offer significant savings over the long run. In the process, nest eggs can accumulate more meaningfully without being reduced by taxes, and sponsoring companies can also receive important benefits along the way. While typical retirement plans exist to help all employees, their … Continued