Trading Places — Changing Residency from a High Tax State

Welcome to California, such a lovely place … you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave. Despite its natural beauty, mild climate, and other attractive attributes, some people — who once made California their home — eventually choose to leave it. Many others try to avoid establishing California residency in … Continued

Charitable Vehicle Options for High Income Years

For entrepreneurs and major stakeholders of Silicon Valley companies, a liquidity event puts in motion a series of complex and timely actions that investors must navigate, including potentially large tax bills to manage. For the philanthropically minded, one related tax-saving strategy worth exploring is the funding of a charitable vehicle. There are a handful of … Continued

2018 Tax Rates and Brackets

For starters, the new tax law changes marginal rates and income brackets. One of the most significant aspects of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is the change in the federal income tax brackets.   While the number of brackets remains the same at seven, the top rate now tops out at 37% instead of 39.6% … Continued

Changes to the Standard Deduction and Personal Exemption

Millions of Americans will be impacted by the expansion of the standard deduction and repeal of their personal exemption. With the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the standard deduction for single filers increases to $12,000 and to $24,000 for married couples filing jointly.  Anyone age 65 and older in 2018 will continue … Continued

Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit

In a move that eases the pain of the repeal of the personal exemption, the child credit has doubled and is available to more families. If you are a parent of children under the age of 17, the expansion of the child tax credit from $1,000 to $2,000 per child could provide valuable tax savings, … Continued

Paycheck Withholding

Be sure to check your paycheck withholding. The new rules may bring some unwelcomed surprises if you’re not aware and planning accordingly. As a good practice, in general, employees should review the new tax withholding form and withholding calculator from the IRS to avoid unexpected surprises. Given the broad scope of the tax changes and … Continued

Investment Income Taxation

The new law makes few changes to investment income taxes, preserving the favorable rates for capital gains and dividends. With the implementation of the tax code overhaul by Congress, favorable rates for qualified dividends and long-term capital gains (net profits on investments held longer than one year) remain unchanged. Taxable income for: Single filers    … Continued

Affordable Care Act (ACA) Compliance

Individuals will no longer be penalized for not having health insurance. Going away with this tax legislation is the individual mandate to have health insurance. This mandate, originally a centerpiece of the 2010 Affordable Care Act, required individuals to have health coverage that met new federal standards or pay a penalty. The law made exceptions … Continued