More Flexibility For 529 ABLE Accounts

Funds within 529 accounts can be transferred to 529 ABLE accounts for people who become blind or disabled before age 26. 529 ABLE accounts are available to those who become blind or disabled before age 26. Importantly, having assets in a 529 ABLE account does not limit the person’s access to key government benefits such … Continued

401(k) Changes

The tax law changes the time frame for loan repayments from a 401(k). 401(k)’s were largely left alone in this new tax bill, which is a positive outcome for employees who contribute to their company 401(k) plans. The 2018 maximum contribution to a 401(k) plan remains at $18,500, plus a catch up of an additional … Continued

Business Owners: Pass-Through Income, Deduction, and Tax Rate

Owners of pass-through businesses get a break – but it’s complicated. Beginning in 2018, a new 20% deduction for qualified business income will be available. This will effectively lower the top tax rate of small business owners from the highest new personal income tax rate of 37% to about 30%. This was a partial concession … Continued

Business Owners: Debt Interest Payments

The new tax law puts a cap on the amount of debt interest cost most companies can deduct. Interest payments have long been deductible for companies, but the new tax law now limits such deductibility to 30% of the company’s EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization). This will effectively reduce the incentive for … Continued

Depreciation and Section 179 Expensing

The tax law allows companies to immediately write off 100% of equipment purchases. One of the most impactful provisions of the new tax law for mid to large size businesses is that equipment purchases can be deducted immediately, and for the full amount of the purchase, in the first year of its use. In other … Continued

Avoiding the Estate Tax Trap in the New Tax Law Environment

The new tax law has brought about significant financial changes and opportunities for individuals and families, not least of which is the substantial increase in the estate and gift tax Lifetime Exemption amount. This amount has essentially doubled overnight, to a newly available $11.2 million per person in 2018 ($22.4 million for married couples). As … Continued

Revisiting Donor Advised Funds to Help the Most Vulnerable Charities

It is estimated that the newly passed tax law could result in a reduction of billions of dollars in charitable giving starting this year. Although the long-standing charitable deduction methodology was preserved, overall giving could be significantly hindered due to the new higher standard deduction reducing the number of tax payers who itemize on their … Continued

Exploring the Benefits of Net Unrealized Appreciation

It is not unusual here in Silicon Valley for employers to offer their employees the opportunity to acquire company stock as an investment alternative in their 401(k) plans. Employees may acquire equity shares using pre-tax dollars, or even better, at no cost when shares are granted as a matching contribution.  But eventually, whether because of … Continued