Initial Steps to Take for Widows

Initial Steps to Take for Widows

The death of a spouse can be one of the most stressful events you’ll ever experience. Even if it is expected after a long illness and you’ve left nothing unsaid, it can be a time of great sadness and mourning. Unfortunately, for many surviving spouses, the pain can be compounded by the stress of decision making and handling finances alone for the first time. The seemingly endless to-do list of tasks can feel overwhelming. While there are some actions that are best taken right away, there are many others that can be deferred until some time has passed and the healing process begins.

Where to start?

  • Ask for help: Your Sand Hill Wealth Manager can provide guidance every step of the way. There are many financial decisions you will need to make that are best discussed first to determine what is best for your situation. Also, let your estate planning attorney and CPA know that your spouse has passed.
  • Get multiple copies of the death certificate: Depending on the complexity of your joint financial lives, 10-25 copies should be sufficient. This may seem like more than you will ever need, but some financial institutions require originals, and it is better to have too many than not enough.
  • Contact the Social Security Administration: If you’ve given the Social Security number of your spouse to the funeral director, they will likely make this call for you. However, if they didn’t, you will need to call the SSA at 1-800-772-1213 soon if your spouse was receiving retirement benefits. Any benefits received in the month of the decedent’s death or later will need to be returned.
  • Contact your spouse’s employer: Your spouse may have had stock options, RSUs, company-sponsored life insurance, pension benefits or unpaid salary if still employed at the time of death. If your spouse had a retirement plan account, like a 401(k), the employer could help you begin the process of rolling those assets over to a spousal IRA.
  • Put together a list of all financial assets: Hopefully this is something that you and your spouse compiled together, but if not, you will need to do a deep dive into your filing cabinet to gather the documents yourself. Collect all bank and brokerage statements and life insurance policies. Make a list of any real estate holdings, limited partnership investments, private company investments and collections.
  • Claim any life insurance benefits: Be sure you are clear on the options for how the benefits will be paid. Don’t commit to an annuity or any other option without first talking to your financial advisor.
  • Roll over the IRA: If your spouse was already taking an annual required minimum distribution (RMD) from their IRA, be sure that one for the year of death has been taken before December 31st or face a 25% penalty. If you, the surviving spouse, are the beneficiary, you can treat the IRA as your own in the subsequent years after if it is rolled over.
  • Begin the estate settlement process: If you and your spouse established a revocable living trust, the trust document, plus any amendments, will outline what happens at the death of the first spouse.

What shouldn’t you do right away? It is best to wait to make any big life changes like what to do with the house or what you can give your kids. These are decisions that are best made after some time has passed and emotions are not so raw. Unless there is an urgent need to relocate due to extreme home maintenance demands or for health reasons, you might consider waiting at least a year before even thinking about what to do with the house. Helping your kids should also be put on hold until you have a clear sense of your future needs and expenses.

While it will be a difficult time for sure, and it may feel like you are always signing paperwork, having a support team to help you after the death of a spouse is critical. Sand Hill has extensive experience with estate settlement so you can rely on us to shepherd you through the process and coordinate with all members of your financial team.

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