College Bound — Hip, HIPAA, Hooray

Congratulations, your son or daughter—or perhaps grandchild—recently got accepted to college, and soon is off to school in the fall. Together, you are probably discussing coursework and prospective majors and figuring out housing arrangements and meal plans. One important, but frequently overlooked, topic is what to do in case your child becomes incapacitated… now that … Continued

Getting Educated on Education Savings

529 plans can now be used to fund up to $10,000 of private school tuition per year. 529 plans are funded with after-tax dollars, but then all income and gains are sheltered within the plan over time, and withdrawals are free of both federal and state tax as long as the proceeds are used for … Continued

The Cost of College: Don’t Pay the Sticker Price

Just last month at college campuses across the country, thousands of young men and women threw graduation caps into the air to celebrate achieving a major milestone. They were done! Similarly, sitting in the audience were their proud parents, silently rejoicing because they, too, were done – done paying for college! While these grateful parents … Continued