Can I Keep the Primary Home After Divorce?

August 24, 2022 Jeff Abadie, Senior Wealth Manager and Shareholder of Sand Hill Global Advisors, joins Robyn Ginney, family law attorney and Partner at the law firm of HartGinney LLP, to discuss a common question that intersects both family law and financial planning: can I keep the primary home after divorce? They discuss the financial … Continued

Is Mediation Right for Me – Navigating Divorce

January 26, 2021 Below is a transcript of the video interview. Jeffrey Abadie: Given the long history of Sand Hill helping individuals navigate the financial aspects of divorce, we thought it would be helpful to hear from a highly accomplished Bay Area family law attorney about the mediation process. We were very fortunate to have … Continued

Sand Hill’s Premarital Agreement Guide

November 18, 2020 For over 25 years, the team at Sand Hill has collaborated with family law professionals—not just to assist clients in navigating the complex financial aspects of the divorce process, but also to assist with financial considerations related to marriage, such as merging assets. While planning a marriage, it may be in a … Continued

Drafting Your Happily Ever After

October 14, 2020 When most couples get engaged, they begin dreaming of their future life together and planning their wedding. They are not typically thinking about writing up a premarital or prenuptial agreement, also known more informally as a prenup. For many, there is the attitude that a prenup will create a negative self-fulfilling prophecy … Continued

Sand Hill’s Divorce Guide

Navigating the Financial Aspects of the Marital Dissolution Process August 10, 2020 For more than 25 years, Sand Hill’s Divorce Financial Planning team has partnered with family law professionals to help clients navigate the complex financial aspects of the marital dissolution process. Our singular goal has been ensuring that both clients and their professional team … Continued

Demystifying Social Security Retirement Benefits for Divorcees

Understanding Social Security retirement benefits can be a daunting task for many, but even more so for divorcees. The eligibility rules are different when collecting a benefit on a former spouse’s employment record. The following article is meant to help demystify much of the confusion surrounding qualifying for a benefit and provide key guidelines to … Continued

Financial Considerations for Navigating Divorce Later in Life

A major dilemma with navigating the divorce process is that it forces a person into an extremely emotional and gut-wrenching situation, and yet also requires extremely logical decision making to avoid major financial and legal mistakes. A quote by Winston Churchill – who was in the thick of trying to save his country while under … Continued

Four Essential Steps to Level the Financial Landscape of Divorce Mediation

Many couples going through divorce are opting to pursue a settlement process through mediation. Mediation can reduce the overall cost and the emotional trauma experienced in a more traditional dissolution process in which spouses are separately represented.  While every situation is unique, people generally find the neutral mediator and the structured sessions typical to this … Continued